Raising Loki
Raising Loki by Elliot Manarin, starring Loki the Raven
The incredible true story of an unlikely friendship between an abused raven and a grieving human… In 2014, an abandoned raven in need of rehoming came to the Coda Falconry, where Elliot Manarin worked. Little did Elliot know at the time, but the “cheeky corvid,” soon to be known as Loki, would end up putting him in hospital over a dozen times from vicious attacks. But Elliot refused to give up on him. Through trial and error, he earned Loki’s trust, creating a bond unlike any other. Their friendship only grew through the trials and tribulations to come, and soon, the mischievous Loki transformed from an abused raven, terrified of humans, into a true celebrity. With thousands of social media followers and people from all over the world traveling to meet him, Loki the Raven loves to entertain. But beyond his popularity, he has shown Elliot and the world that ravens are not only intelligent but empathetic and loving, capable of joy, remorse, and even forgiveness.
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